Source code for pybilt.plot_generation.plot_generation_functions

A set of functions to generate plots/figures from the lipid bilayer analysis outputs.
These functions use matplotlib ( along with Seaborn (


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import matplotlib as mpl
from six.moves import range
#check for display and swith mpl backend to Agg is there is none
# solution based on answer by eitanrich
if == 'posix' and "DISPLAY" not in os.environ:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import sys
import itertools

# the default savefig params can be different from the display params
# e.g., you may want a higher resolution, or to make the figure
# background white
sfig_params = {
    'savefig.dpi' : 750,
    'savefig.format' : 'eps'
params = {'figure.figsize': [8.75, 7.25], 'font.size': 22, 'axes.labelsize': 32,
#params = {'figure.figsize': [14.75, 7.25], 'font.size': 22, 'axes.labelsize': 32,
    'legend.fontsize': 26,
    'xtick.labelsize': 28,
    'ytick.labelsize': 28,
    'lines.linewidth': 4.0,
    'lines.markersize': 20,
    'mathtext.fontset' : 'cm'}
#sns.set(context="paper", font="monospace")

_color_list = ['blue', 'green','orange','purple', 'black', 'red', 'yellow', 'gray']

[docs]def update_rcparams(rcparams): mpl.rcParams.update(rcparams) return
[docs]def plot(dat_list,yerr_list=None, xerr_list=None, name_list=None,filename='plot.eps', save=True, show=False, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, marker=None, linestyle=None, xticks=None): """Generic plotting function for (multiple) xy datasets. Args: dat_list (list or list like): List of tuples of data vectors in the format [(x_0, y_0), (x_1. y_1), ... ] yerr_list (list or list like): List of the yerr vectors. e.g. [y_0_err, y_1_err, ... ] name_list (list or list like, Optional): List of string legend names to assign the curves being plotted. filename (str, Optional): The string containing the path and filename for the exported plot file. save (bool, Optional): Set whether to save the generated plot to disc with filename. Default: True show (bool, Optional): Set whether to show the generated plot in an interactive window (i.e. Default: False xlabel (str, Optional): Specify a x-axis label. ylabel (str, Optional): Specify a y-axis label marker (str, Optional): Specify a matplotlib marker type for data points. """ _colors = itertools.cycle(('#47d147', '#2929a3', '#e6b800', '#e65c00', '#cc33ff', '#33ccff', '#009999', '#996633', '#666699')) _marker = itertools.cycle(('s', 'o', 'v', 'p', 'D', '^', '8', '>', '<')) ls = linestyle if linestyle is None: ls = '-' i = 0 for dat in dat_list: if i > 6 and (linestyle is None): ls = '--' if (yerr_list is None and xerr_list is None): if name_list is not None: if marker is None: plt.plot(dat[0], dat[1],label=name_list[i], linestyle=ls, marker=next(_marker), color=next(_colors)) else: plt.plot(dat[0], dat[1],label=name_list[i], marker=marker, linestyle=ls, color=next(_colors)) else: if marker is None: plt.plot(dat[0], dat[1], linestyle=ls, marker=next(_marker), color=next(_colors)) else: plt.plot(dat[0], dat[1], marker=marker, linestyle=ls, color=next(_colors)) elif (yerr_list is not None) and (xerr_list is None): if name_list is not None: if marker is None: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], yerr=yerr_list[i], label=name_list[i], linestyle=ls, marker=next(_marker), color=next(_colors)) else: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], yerr=yerr_list[i], label=name_list[i], marker=marker, linestyle=ls, color=next(_colors)) else: if marker is None: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], yerr=yerr_list[i], linestyle=ls, marker=next(_marker), color=next(_colors)) else: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], yerr=yerr_list[i], marker=marker, linestyle=ls, color=next(_colors)) elif (yerr_list is None) and (xerr_list is not None): if name_list is not None: if marker is None: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], xerr=xerr_list[i], label=name_list[i], linestyle=ls, marker=next(_marker), color=next(_colors)) else: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], xerr=xerr_list[i], label=name_list[i], marker=marker, linestyle=ls, color=next(_colors)) else: if marker is None: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], xerr=xerr_list[i], linestyle=ls, marker=next(_marker), color=next(_colors)) else: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], xerr=xerr_list[i], marker=marker, linestyle=ls, color=next(_colors)) else: if name_list is not None: if marker is None: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], xerr=xerr_list[i], yerr=yerr_list[i], label=name_list[i], linestyle=ls, marker=next(_marker), color=next(_colors)) else: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], xerr=xerr_list[i], yerr=yerr_list[i],label=name_list[i], marker=marker, linestyle=ls, color=next(_colors)) else: if marker is None: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], xerr=xerr_list[i], yerr=yerr_list[i], linestyle=ls, marker=next(_marker), color=next(_colors)) else: plt.errorbar(dat[0], dat[1], xerr=xerr_list[i], yerr=yerr_list[i], marker=marker, linestyle=ls, color=next(_colors)) i+=1 if xticks is not None: plt.xticks(xticks) if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel) if xticks is not None: plt.xticks(xticks) lgd = None if name_list is not None: #lgd = plt.legend(loc=7) if len(name_list) > 3: lgd = plt.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 0.5)) else: lgd = plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() if save: if lgd is not None: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def gen_step_vector_ghost_tails(vectors_resnames, length=5, periodic_cut=75.0): n_traj = len(vectors_resnames) n_vecs = len(vectors_resnames[0][0]) tails = [] for i in range(n_traj): back_index = i - length while back_index < 0: back_index += 1 tails.append([]) for j in range(n_vecs): x = [] y = [] for k in range(back_index, i+1): vec_c = vectors_resnames[k][0][j] x.append(vec_c[0]) y.append(vec_c[1]) xx = [] yy = [] n_p = len(x) for l in range(0, n_p-1): cx = x[l] nx = x[l+1] cy = y[l] ny = y[l+1] dx = np.abs(nx - cx) dy = np.abs(ny - cy) #dist = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) #print(dx, dy) if dx < periodic_cut and dy < periodic_cut: xx.append(cx) yy.append(cy) else: xx = [] yy = [] xx.append(x[n_p-1]) yy.append(y[n_p-1]) #print(xx) xk = np.array(xx) yk = np.array(yy) tails[i].append((xk, yk)) return tails
[docs]def gen_step_vector_net_ghost_tails(vectors_resnames, length=6, group_size=2, periodic_cut=75.0): n_traj = len(vectors_resnames) n_vecs = len(vectors_resnames[0][0]) tails = [] for i in range(n_traj): back_index = i - length while back_index < 0: back_index += 1 tails.append([]) for j in range(n_vecs): x = [] y = [] for k in range(back_index, i+1, group_size): vec_c = vectors_resnames[k][0][j] x.append(vec_c[0]) y.append(vec_c[1]) if (i+1 - back_index) % group_size != 0: vec_c = vectors_resnames[i][0][j] x.append(vec_c[0]) y.append(vec_c[1]) xx = [] yy = [] n_p = len(x) for l in range(0, n_p-1): cx = x[l] nx = x[l+1] cy = y[l] ny = y[l+1] dx = np.abs(nx - cx) dy = np.abs(ny - cy) if dx < periodic_cut and dy < periodic_cut: xx.append(cx) yy.append(cy) else: xx = [] yy = [] xx.append(x[n_p-1]) yy.append(y[n_p-1]) # print(xx) xk = np.array(xx) yk = np.array(yy) tails[i].append((xk, yk)) return tails
[docs]def gen_step_vector_smooth_ghost_tails(vectors_resnames, length=9, window=3, periodic_cut=75.0): n_traj = len(vectors_resnames) n_vecs = len(vectors_resnames[0][0]) print(n_vecs, n_traj) smooth_delta = (window -1)/2 tails = [] for i in range(n_traj): back_index = i - length while back_index < 0: back_index += 1 tails.append([]) #n_vecs = len(vectors_resnames[]) for j in range(n_vecs): x = [] y = [] for k in range(back_index, i+1): #print(j, i, k, vectors_resnames[k][1][j], vectors_resnames[i][1][j]) print(len(vectors_resnames[k][1]), len(vectors_resnames[i][1])) # if vectors_resnames[k][1][j] != vectors_resnames[i][1][j]: # quit() # elif len(vectors_resnames[k][1]) != 300: # quit() # elif len(vectors_resnames[i][1]) != 300: # quit() #print(j, len(vectors_resnames[k][0])) #if j >= len(vectors_resnames[k][0]): # quit() # j = len(vectors_resnames[k][0])-1 vec_c = vectors_resnames[k][0][j] x.append(vec_c[0]) y.append(vec_c[1]) xx = [] yy = [] n_p = len(x) for l in range(0, n_p-1): cx = x[l] nx = x[l+1] cy = y[l] ny = y[l+1] dx = np.abs(nx - cx) dy = np.abs(ny - cy) #dist = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) #print(dx, dy) if dx < periodic_cut and dy < periodic_cut: xx.append(cx) yy.append(cy) else: xx = [] yy = [] xx.append(x[n_p-1]) yy.append(y[n_p-1]) n_pp = len(xx) xxx = [] yyy = [] for k in range(n_pp): b_i = k - smooth_delta if b_i < 0: b_i = 0 f_i = k + smooth_delta if f_i >= n_pp: f_i = n_pp-1 #print "k ",k," b_i ",b_i," f_i ",f_i," n_pp ",n_pp x_s = 0.0 y_s = 0.0 a_s = 0 for l in range(b_i, f_i+1): #print "k ",k," l ",l x_s += xx[l] y_s += yy[l] a_s += 1 x_s /= a_s y_s /= a_s if a_s == window: xxx.append(x_s) yyy.append(y_s) xxx.append(x[n_p-1]) yyy.append(y[n_p-1]) #print(xx) xk = np.array(xxx) yk = np.array(yyy) tails[i].append((xk, yk)) return tails
[docs]def gen_step_vector_smooth_ghost_tails_forwards(vectors_resnames, length_back=9, length_forward=9, window=3, periodic_cut=75.0): n_traj = len(vectors_resnames) n_vecs = len(vectors_resnames[0][0]) smooth_delta = (window -1)/2 tails = [] # first do tails back for i in range(n_traj): back_index = i - length_back while back_index < 0: back_index += 1 tails.append([]) for j in range(n_vecs): x = [] y = [] for k in range(back_index, i+1): vec_c = vectors_resnames[k][0][j] x.append(vec_c[0]) y.append(vec_c[1]) xx = [] yy = [] n_p = len(x) for l in range(0, n_p-1): cx = x[l] nx = x[l+1] cy = y[l] ny = y[l+1] dx = np.abs(nx - cx) dy = np.abs(ny - cy) #dist = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) #print(dx, dy) if dx < periodic_cut and dy < periodic_cut: xx.append(cx) yy.append(cy) else: xx = [] yy = [] xx.append(x[n_p-1]) yy.append(y[n_p-1]) n_pp = len(xx) xxx = [] yyy = [] for k in range(n_pp): b_i = k - smooth_delta if b_i < 0: b_i = 0 f_i = k + smooth_delta if f_i >= n_pp: f_i = n_pp-1 #print "k ",k," b_i ",b_i," f_i ",f_i," n_pp ",n_pp x_s = 0.0 y_s = 0.0 a_s = 0 for l in range(b_i, f_i+1): #print "k ",k," l ",l x_s += xx[l] y_s += yy[l] a_s += 1 x_s /= a_s y_s /= a_s if a_s == window: xxx.append(x_s) yyy.append(y_s) xxx.append(x[n_p-1]) yyy.append(y[n_p-1]) #print(xx) xk = np.array(xxx) yk = np.array(yyy) tails[i].append((xk, yk)) return tails
[docs]def plot_step_vectors(vectors_resnames, filename='step_vectors.pdf',save=True, show=False, scaled=False, wrapped=False, ghost_tails=None, ghost_tail_alpha=0.5, ghost_tail_arrow=False, ylim=None, xlim=None): ''' Generates a single plot with the lipid displacement vectors (or step vectors) Takes a single frame of the output from: MemSys.StepVector Corresponding colors (if multiple lipid types are included) can be generated using: MemSys.StepVectorColors ''' color_list = _color_list _colors = itertools.cycle(('#47d147', '#2929a3', '#e6b800', '#e65c00', '#cc33ff', '#33ccff', '#009999', '#996633', '#666699')) sns.set_style("whitegrid") x = vectors_resnames[0][:,0] y=vectors_resnames[0][:,1] vx = vectors_resnames[0][:,2] vy = vectors_resnames[0][:,3] with plt.rc_context({'figure.figsize': [8.00, 7.25], 'font.size': 16, 'axes.labelsize': 22, 'legend.fontsize': 20, 'xtick.labelsize': 16, 'ytick.labelsize': 16}): plt.figure() #'figure.figsize': [14.75, 7.25]) resnames = sorted(set(vectors_resnames[1])) resnames = ['POPC', 'DOPE', 'TLCL2'] # i = 0 color_dict = {} color_names = {'POPC':'green', 'DOPE':'blue', 'TLCL2':'gold'} for res in resnames: color_dict[res] = next(_colors) # color_dict['POPC'] = '#1e8449' colors = [] for residue in vectors_resnames[1]: colors.append(color_dict[residue]) #print(x) # Q = plt.quiver(x,y,vx,vy,color=colors) #vector = np.array([vx[0], vy[1]]) #print("vector 0 length is: {}".format(np.sqrt(,vector)))) # plot tails first if ghost_tails is not None: res = 0 for ghost_tail in ghost_tails: #print(ghost_tail) resn = vectors_resnames[1][res] color = color_dict[resn] #print(color) if ghost_tail_arrow: npoint = len(ghost_tail[0]) # if npoint > 1: # print(npoint) # print(range(1, npoint, 1)) # quit() for iii in range(1, npoint, 1): x2 = ghost_tail[0][iii] y2 = ghost_tail[1][iii] x1 = ghost_tail[0][iii-1] y1 = ghost_tail[1][iii-1] #print(iii, x1, y1, x2, y2, npoint) plt.arrow(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1, width=0.375, length_includes_head=True, alpha=ghost_tail_alpha, linewidth=1.0, color=color, zorder=1) #break # if npoint > 1: # print(npoint) # print(range(1, npoint, 1)) # quit() else: plt.plot(ghost_tail[0], ghost_tail[1], color=color, alpha=ghost_tail_alpha, linewidth = 1.5) res += 1 #Now plot the disp vecs Q = plt.quiver(x, y, vx, vy, color=colors, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, zorder=2) label_string = "" for resname in resnames: label_string+=resname+":"+color_names[resname]+" " #dummy_qk = plt.quiverkey(Q, 0.20, 0.975, 2, label_string, labelpos='E', # coordinates='figure') #else: # plt.quiver(x,y,vx,vy) #plt.title('Lateral Displacement Vectors') if scaled: plt.xlabel("x (scaled coordinates)") plt.ylabel("y (scaled coordinates)") else: plt.xlabel("x ($\AA$)") plt.ylabel("y ($\AA$)") if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim) if scaled and wrapped: plt.xlim((-0.1, 1.1)) plt.ylim((-0.1, 1.1)) elif scaled and not wrapped: plt.xlim(-0.2, 1.2) plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.2) plt.tight_layout() if save: #plt.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') plt.savefig(filename, transparent=True) #plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_step_vectors_comtraj(vectors, colors=None, filename='step_vectors.pdf',show=False, save=True): ''' Generates a single plot with the lipid displacement vectors (or step vectors) Takes a single frame of the output from: MemSys.StepVector Corresponding colors (if multiple lipid types are included) can be generated using: MemSys.StepVectorColors ''' sns.set_style("whitegrid") x = vectors[:,0] y=vectors[:,1] vx = vectors[:,2] vy = vectors[:,3] dummy_step_vec_plot = plt.figure() if colors is not None: plt.quiver(x,y,vx,vy,color=colors) else: plt.quiver(x,y,vx,vy) #plt.title('Lateral Displacement Vectors') plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_step_vectors_stroboscopic(vectors_resnames, index=0, filename='step_vectors_stroboscopic.pdf', save=True, show=False, scaled=False, wrapped=False): ''' Generates a stroboscopic trajectory plot with the displacement vectors (or step vectors) of a single lipid. Takes the output from the 'disp_vec' analysis of the bilayer_analyzer: ''' sns.set_style("whitegrid") plt.figure() x = [] y = [] for dv_res in vectors_resnames: dv = dv_res[0] x.append(dv[index][0]) y.append(dv[index][1]) #print(x) #print(y) Q = plt.plot(x, y) # label_string = "" #else: # plt.quiver(x,y,vx,vy) #plt.title('Lateral Displacement Vectors') if scaled: plt.xlabel("x (scaled coordinates)") plt.ylabel("y (scaled coordinates)") else: plt.xlabel("x ($\AA$)") plt.ylabel("y ($\AA$)") if scaled and wrapped: plt.xlim((-0.1, 1.1)) plt.ylim((-0.1, 1.1)) elif scaled and not wrapped: plt.xlim(-0.2, 1.2) plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.2) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_msd(msd_dat_list,name_list=None,filename='msd.pdf',time_in='ps',time_out='ns',show=False, interval=1,save=True): ''' Generates a single plot with Mean Squared Displacement curves Takes outputs from: MemSys.CalcMSD MemSys.CalcMSD_parallel The outputs are passed to function in a list input: apl_dat_list ''' # params = { # 'axes.labelsize': 20, # 'text.fontsize': 20, # 'legend.fontsize': 20, # 'xtick.labelsize': 16, # 'ytick.labelsize': 16, # 'text.usetex': False, # 'figure.figsize': [8.0, 6.0] # } # params = {'figure.figsize': [10.0, 8.0]} # mpl.rcParams.update(params) # i = 0 for msd_dat in msd_dat_list: msd_d = msd_dat.copy() t = msd_d[::interval,0] if time_in == 'ps' and time_out == 'ns': t/=1000.0 elif time_in == 'ns' and time_out == 'ps': t*=1000.0 msd = msd_d[::interval,1] if name_list is not None: plt.plot(t, msd, linewidth=4.0,label=name_list[i]) else: plt.plot(t, msd, linewidth=4.0) i+=1 #plt.title("Mean Sqared Displacement vs. Time") xlabel = "Time ("+time_out+")" plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel("Distance in the lateral plane ($\AA^2$)") if name_list is not None: plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_area_per_lipid(apl_dat_list,name_list=None,filename='apl.pdf',time_in='ps',time_out='ns',save=True,show=False, interval=1, ylim=None, xlim=None): ''' Generates a single plot with area per lipid (apl) curves Takes outputs from: MemSys.CalcAreaPerLipid_Box MemSys.CalcAreaPerLipid_ClosestNeighborCircle The outputs are passed to function in a list input: apl_dat_list ''' #print "filename: ", filename i = 0 for apl_dat in apl_dat_list: apl_d = apl_dat.copy() t = apl_d[::interval,0] n_points = len(t) if time_in == 'ps' and time_out == 'ns': #print "switching time units from ps to ns" t/=1000.0 elif time_in == 'ns' and time_out == 'ps': t*=1000.0 apl = apl_d[::interval,2] apl_dev = apl_d[::interval,3] if name_list is not None: #print "plotting",name_list[i]," with errorbars" #print t #print apl #plt.errorbar(t, apl, yerr=apl_dev, label=name_list[i]) if n_points <= 30: plt.errorbar(t, apl, yerr=apl_dev, label=name_list[i]) else: p = plt.plot(t, apl, label=name_list[i]) c = p[0].get_color() plt.fill_between(t, apl-apl_dev, apl+apl_dev, alpha=0.25, interpolate=True, color=c) else: if n_points <= 30: plt.errorbar(t, apl, yerr=apl_dev) else: p = plt.plot(t, apl) c = p[0].get_color() plt.fill_between(t, apl - apl_dev, apl + apl_dev, alpha=0.25, interpolate=True, color=c) i+=1 #plt.title("Mean Sqared Displacement vs. Time") xlabel = "Time ("+time_out+")" plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel("Area per lipid ($\AA^2$)") if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) if name_list is not None: plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_dc_cluster_dat_number(clust_dat_list,name_list=None,filename='clust_number.pdf',time_in='ps',time_out='ns', save=True, show=False): """Generates a plot of the average number of clusters (vs. time) This function generates a plot of the average number of clusters vs. time for data output with key 'nclusters' from the 'dc_cluster' analysis in the BilayerAnalyzer, which corresponds to the bilayer_analyzer.analysis_protocols.DCClusterProtocol analysis protocol class. Args: clust_dat_list (list): This is a list of all data to plot and should be a list of tuples/lists where each element tuple has the data arrays for each time series curve to include in the plot: e.g. [ (times_1, means_1, stds_1), (times_2, means_2, stds_2) ] name_list (list, optional): This is a list of string names to assign each curve included in the plot. It should have len(name_list) == len(clust_dat_list) = True. Default: None filename (str, optional): This a string containing the filename for the output plot if save is set to True. Default: 'clust_number.pdf' time_in (str, optional): This is a string specifying the time units of values in the input arrays. Acceptible values are 'ps' for picosecond and 'ns' nanosecond. Default: 'ps' time_out (str, optional): This is a string specifying the time units to use in the output plot. Acceptible values are 'ps' for picosecond and 'ns' nanosecond. If this is different than the value for time_in then the time values will be scaled accordingly. Default: 'ns' save (bool, optional): This is boolean switch to set whether or not to save the generated plot to disc. plt.savefig is called. Default: True show (bool, optional): This is boolean switch to set whether or not the generated plot is displayed in interactive mode using Default: False """ i = 0 for cl_dat in clust_dat_list: t = cl_dat[0] if time_in == 'ps' and time_out == 'ns': #print "switching time units from ps to ns" t/=1000.0 elif time_in == 'ns' and time_out == 'ps': t*=1000.0 means = cl_dat[1] stds = cl_dat[2] if name_list is not None: #print "plotting",name_list[i]," with errorbars" #print t #print apl plt.errorbar(t, means, yerr=stds, label=name_list[i]) else: plt.errorbar(t, means, yerr=stds) i+=1 #plt.title("Mean Sqared Displacement vs. Time") xlabel = "Time ("+time_out+")" plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel("Average Number of Clusters") if name_list is not None: plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_dc_cluster_dat_size(clust_dat_list,name_list=None,filename='clust_number.pdf',time_in='ps',time_out='ns', save=True, show=False): """Generates a plot of the average cluster size (vs. time) This function generates a plot of the average cluster size vs. time for data output with key 'avg_size' from the 'dc_cluster' analysis in the BilayerAnalyzer, which corresponds to the bilayer_analyzer.analysis_protocols.DCClusterProtocol analysis protocol class. Args: clust_dat_list (list): This is a list of all data to plot and should be a list of tuples/lists where each element tuple has the data arrays for each time series curve to include in the plot: e.g. [ (times_1, means_1, stds_1), (times_2, means_2, stds_2) ] name_list (list, optional): This is a list of string names to assign each curve included in the plot. It should have len(name_list) == len(clust_dat_list) = True. Default: None filename (str, optional): This a string containing the filename for the output plot if save is set to True. Default: 'clust_number.pdf' time_in (str, optional): This is a string specifying the time units of values in the input arrays. Acceptible values are 'ps' for picosecond and 'ns' nanosecond. Default: 'ps' time_out (str, optional): This is a string specifying the time units to use in the output plot. Acceptible values are 'ps' for picosecond and 'ns' nanosecond. If this is different than the value for time_in then the time values will be scaled accordingly. Default: 'ns' save (bool, optional): This is boolean switch to set whether or not to save the generated plot to disc. plt.savefig is called. Default: True show (bool, optional): This is boolean switch to set whether or not the generated plot is displayed in interactive mode using Default: False """ i = 0 for cl_dat in clust_dat_list: t = cl_dat[0] if time_in == 'ps' and time_out == 'ns': #print "switching time units from ps to ns" t/=1000.0 elif time_in == 'ns' and time_out == 'ps': t*=1000.0 means = cl_dat[1] stds = cl_dat[2] if name_list is not None: #print "plotting",name_list[i]," with errorbars" #print t #print apl plt.errorbar(t, means, yerr=stds, label=name_list[i]) else: plt.errorbar(t, means, yerr=stds) i+=1 #plt.title("Mean Sqared Displacement vs. Time") xlabel = "Time ("+time_out+")" plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel("Average Size of Cluster") if name_list is not None: plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_dc_cluster_dat_number_comtraj(clust_dat_list,name_list=None,filename='clust_number.pdf',time_in='ps',time_out='ns',show=False): ''' Generates a single of the average number of clusters (vs. time) using output data from: MemSys.CheckClustering The outputs are passed to function in a list input: clust_dat_list ''' i = 0 for cl_dat in clust_dat_list: cl_loc = cl_dat.copy() t = cl_loc[:,0] if time_in == 'ps' and time_out == 'ns': #print "switching time units from ps to ns" t/=1000.0 elif time_in == 'ns' and time_out == 'ps': t*=1000.0 cl = cl_loc[:,5] cl_dev = cl_loc[:,6] if name_list is not None: #print "plotting",name_list[i]," with errorbars" #print t #print apl plt.errorbar(t, cl, yerr=cl_dev, label=name_list[i]) else: plt.errorbar(t, cl, yerr=cl_dev) i+=1 #plt.title("Mean Sqared Displacement vs. Time") xlabel = "Time ("+time_out+")" plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel("Average Number of Clusters") if name_list is not None: plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_dc_cluster_dat_size_comtraj(clust_dat_list,name_list=None,filename='clust_size.pdf',time_in='ps',time_out='ns',show=False): ''' Generates a single plot of the average cluster size (vs time) using output data from: MemSys.CheckClustering The outputs are passed to function in a list input: clust_dat_list ''' i = 0 for cl_dat in clust_dat_list: cl_loc = cl_dat.copy() t = cl_loc[:,0] if time_in == 'ps' and time_out == 'ns': #print "switching time units from ps to ns" t/=1000.0 elif time_in == 'ns' and time_out == 'ps': t*=1000.0 cl = cl_loc[:,7] cl_dev = cl_loc[:,8] if name_list is not None: #print "plotting",name_list[i]," with errorbars" #print t #print apl plt.errorbar(t, cl, yerr=cl_dev, label=name_list[i]) else: plt.errorbar(t, cl, yerr=cl_dev) i+=1 #plt.title("Mean Sqared Displacement vs. Time") xlabel = "Time ("+time_out+")" plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel("Average Size of Cluster (lipids per cluster)") if name_list is not None: plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_dc_cluster_maps_comtraj(clusters, filename='cluster_map.pdf',show=False): ''' Generates a single plot of the lipid cluster map Takes a single frame of the output from: MemSys.ExportClustersForPlotting ''' sns.set_style("whitegrid") x = clusters[0] y=clusters[1] c = clusters[2] plt.scatter(x,y,c=c,s=800) #plt.title('Lateral Displacement Vectors') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_density_profile(dp_out_list, save=True, filename='density_profile.pdf', show=False, label_list=None, ylabel='Density'): """ Plot density profiles This function can be used to plot the results of density profiles functions in the mda_density_profile module. Args: dp_out_list (list of tuples): A list of the tuple outputs of the profile calculation functions save (bool, optional): Default is True. Saves the plot output as an image file if True. filename (str, optional): The name out the image file that will be created if save=True. show (bool, optional): Default is False. Display the plot ( if True. label_list (list of str : None, optional): Default is None. Allows a list of strings used to label the plot lines. """ i = 0 for item in dp_out_list: if label_list is not None: plt.plot(item[0], item[1], label=label_list[i]) else: plt.plot(item[0], item[1]) i+=1 if label_list is not None: plt.legend(loc=0) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.xlabel('Position Along the Normal') #plt.xlabel(ylabel) #plt.ylabel('Position Along the Normal') plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_grid_as_scatter(in_xyzc, save=True, filename='lipid_grid.pdf', show=False, colorbar=False, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None): cma ='viridis') if cmap is not None: cma = cmap if vmin is not None and vmax is None: plt.scatter(in_xyzc[0], in_xyzc[1], c=in_xyzc[3], marker='s',s=50, cmap=cma, vmin=vmin) elif vmax is not None and vmin is None: plt.scatter(in_xyzc[0], in_xyzc[1], c=in_xyzc[3], marker='s',s=50, cmap=cma, vmax=vmax) elif vmin is not None and vmax is not None: plt.scatter(in_xyzc[0], in_xyzc[1], c=in_xyzc[3], marker='s', s=50, cmap=cma, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: plt.scatter(in_xyzc[0], in_xyzc[1], c=in_xyzc[3], marker='s',s=50, cmap=cma) if colorbar: plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_corr_mat(in_corrmat, save=True, filename='correlation_matrix.pdf', show=False ): cma ='inferno') plt.imshow(in_corrmat, cmap=cma, interpolation='none', vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0) plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_corr_mat_as_scatter(in_corrmat, save=True, filename='correlation_matrix.pdf', show=False ): ax_l = len(in_corrmat) x_axes = np.zeros(ax_l ** 2, y_axes = np.zeros(ax_l ** 2, c = np.zeros(ax_l ** 2) k = 0 for i in range(ax_l): for j in range(ax_l): x_axes[k] = i y_axes[k] = j c[k] = in_corrmat[i, j] k += 1 cma ='viridis') plt.scatter(x_axes, y_axes, c=c, marker='s', s=10, edgecolors='none', cmap=cma, vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0) plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_average_deuterium_op(dop_dat_list,name_list=None,filename='dop.pdf',time_in='ps',time_out='ns',show=False, interval=1): ''' Generates a single plot of the average deuterium order parameter vs. time The outputs are passed to function in a list input: dop_dat_list ''' #print "filename: ", filename i = 0 for dop_dat in dop_dat_list: dop_d = dop_dat.copy() t = dop_d[::interval,0] if time_in == 'ps' and time_out == 'ns': #print "switching time units from ps to ns" t/=1000.0 elif time_in == 'ns' and time_out == 'ps': t*=1000.0 dop = dop_d[::interval,4] dop_dev = dop_d[::interval,5] if name_list is not None: #print "plotting",name_list[i]," with errorbars" #print t #print dop plt.errorbar(t, dop, yerr=dop_dev,label=name_list[i]) else: plt.errorbar(t, dop, yerr=dop_dev) i+=1 #plt.title("Mean Sqared Displacement vs. Time") xlabel = "Time ("+time_out+")" plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel("Average Deuterium Order Parameter") if name_list is not None: plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_bilayer_thickness(bt_dat_list,name_list=None, filename='bilayer_thickness.pdf', time_in='ps',time_out='ns',show=False, interval=1, save=True, xlim = None, ylim=None): ''' Generates a single plot with bilayer thickness curves Takes outputs from: The outputs are passed to function in a list input: bt_dat_list ''' i = 0 for bt_dat in bt_dat_list: bt_d = bt_dat.copy() t = bt_d[::interval,0] if time_in == 'ps' and time_out == 'ns': t/=1000.0 elif time_in == 'ns' and time_out == 'ps': t*=1000.0 bt = bt_d[::interval,2] error = bt_d[::interval,3] if name_list is not None: plt.errorbar(t, bt, yerr=error, label=name_list[i]) else: plt.errorbar(t, bt, yerr=error) i+=1 #plt.title("Mean Sqared Displacement vs. Time") xlabel = "Time ("+time_out+")" plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel("Bilayer thickness ($\AA$)") if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) if name_list is not None: plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_displacement_lipid_type_cross_correlation(analyzer_data, filename='normal_displacement_lipid_type_cross_correlation.pdf',show=False, save=True): color_list = _color_list #build the data objects leaflets = sorted(list(analyzer_data.keys()), reverse=True) count = 0 lipid_types = [] yvals = [] yerr = [] for leaflet in leaflets: for lipid_resname in sorted(analyzer_data[leaflet].keys()): if leaflet == 'upper': count+=1 mean = analyzer_data[leaflet][lipid_resname][-1][2] deviation = analyzer_data[leaflet][lipid_resname][-1][3] lipid_types.append(lipid_resname) yvals.append(mean) yerr.append(deviation) unique_lipid_types = set(lipid_types) color_dict = {} i =0 for l_type in sorted(unique_lipid_types): color_dict[l_type] = color_list[i] i+=1 if i == len(unique_lipid_types): i = 0 colors = [] for l_type in lipid_types: colors.append(color_dict[l_type]) xval = np.arange(len(yvals)) val_by_lipid = {} for i in range(len(xval)): lipid = lipid_types[i] xv = xval[i] yv = yvals[i] ye = yerr[i] color = colors[i] if lipid in list(val_by_lipid.keys()): val_by_lipid[lipid][0].append(xv) val_by_lipid[lipid][1].append(yv) val_by_lipid[lipid][2].append(ye) val_by_lipid[lipid][3].append(color) val_by_lipid[lipid][4].append(lipid) else: val_by_lipid[lipid] = [[xv], [yv], [ye], [color], [lipid]] width = 0.35 for lipid_resname in sorted(unique_lipid_types): #print(val_by_lipid[lipid_resname][0])[lipid_resname][0], val_by_lipid[lipid_resname][1], width, yerr=val_by_lipid[lipid_resname][2], color=val_by_lipid[lipid_resname][3][0], label=lipid_resname, error_kw=dict(ecolor=val_by_lipid[lipid_resname][3][0], lw=2, capsize=5, capthick=2)) line_xval = [xval[count-1]+0.5+(width/2.0), xval[count-1]+0.5+(width/2.0)] line_yval = [min(yvals)-max(yerr), max(yvals)+1.25*max(yerr)] plt.plot(line_xval, line_yval, color='black') plt.plot([0, max(xval)+1], [0.0, 0.0], 'k--') plt.text(xval[0]+0.25, max(yvals)+1.25*max(yerr), 'upper leaflet') plt.text(xval[count], max(yvals) + 1.25 * max(yerr), 'lower leaflet') plt.legend(loc=0) plt.xlabel('Lipid type') plt.ylabel('Cross correlation') plt.tick_params(labelbottom=False) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_position_density_map_2d_scatter(x_centers, y_centers, counts, save=True, filename='position_density_2d.pdf', show=False, colorbar=True, vmin=0.0, vmax=None, normalized=False, scaled_to_max=False): cma ='jet') x_pos = [] y_pos = [] color_vals = [] for i in range(len(x_centers)): for j in range(len(y_centers)): x_pos.append(x_centers[i]) y_pos.append(y_centers[j]) color_vals.append(counts[i][j]) x_pos = np.array(x_pos) y_pos = np.array(y_pos) color_vals = np.array(color_vals) if normalized: vmax = 1.0 vmin = 0.0 if vmin is not None and vmax is None: plt.scatter(x_pos, y_pos, c=color_vals, marker='s',s=50, cmap=cma, vmin=vmin, edgecolors='face') elif vmax is not None and vmin is None: plt.scatter(x_pos, y_pos, c=color_vals, marker='s',s=50, cmap=cma, vmax=vmax, edgecolors='face') elif vmin is not None and vmax is not None: plt.scatter(x_pos, y_pos, c=color_vals, marker='s', s=50, cmap=cma, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, edgecolors='face') else: plt.scatter(x_pos, y_pos, c=color_vals, marker='s',s=50, cmap=cma, edgecolors='face') plt.xlabel('x ($\AA$)') plt.ylabel('y ($\AA$)') #print in_xyzc[3] #plt.scatter(in_xyzc[0], in_xyzc[1], c=in_xyzc[3], marker='s',s=50, cmap=cma) #cax, kw = mpl.colorbar.make_axes(plt.gca()) #norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin = min(in_xyzc[3]), vmax = max(in_xyzc[3]), clip = False) #c = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cma, norm=norm) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar() if normalized:'Count (normalized)') elif scaled_to_max:'Count (scaled to maximum)') else:'Count') plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_position_density_map_2d(x_centers, y_centers, counts, save=True, filename='position_density_2d.pdf', show=False, colorbar=True, vmin=0.0, vmax=None, normalized=False, scaled_to_max=False, interpolation='none'): #cma ='YlGnBu_r') cma ='jet') nbins = len(x_centers) #need to rearrange the array order for imshow to match the same x and y values as is assumed with input counts counts_swapped = np.zeros((nbins,nbins), dtype=counts.dtype) for i in range(nbins): ii = nbins-i - 1 for j in range(nbins): counts_swapped[i,j] = counts[j,ii] if normalized: vmax = 1.0 vmin = 0.0 if vmin is not None and vmax is None: plt.imshow(counts_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)], vmin=vmin) elif vmax is not None and vmin is None: plt.imshow(counts_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)], vmax=vmax) elif vmin is not None and vmax is not None: plt.imshow(counts_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: plt.imshow(counts_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)]) plt.xlabel('x ($\AA$)') plt.ylabel('y ($\AA$)') #print in_xyzc[3] #plt.scatter(in_xyzc[0], in_xyzc[1], c=in_xyzc[3], marker='s',s=50, cmap=cma) #cax, kw = mpl.colorbar.make_axes(plt.gca()) #norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin = min(in_xyzc[3]), vmax = max(in_xyzc[3]), clip = False) #c = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cma, norm=norm) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar() if normalized:'Count (normalized)') elif scaled_to_max:'Count (scaled to maximum)') else:'Count') plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_lipid_grid_thickness_map_2d(x_centers, y_centers, thickness_grid, save=True, filename='bilayer_thickness_map_2d.pdf', show=False, colorbar=True, vmin=0.0, vmax=None, interpolation='none'): #cma ='YlGnBu_r') cma ='viridis') nx = thickness_grid.shape[0] ny = thickness_grid.shape[1] #need to rearrange the array order for imshow to match the same x and y values as is assumed with input thickness_grid thickness_swapped = np.zeros((ny,nx), dtype=thickness_grid.dtype) for i in range(ny): if i < nx: ii = ny-i - 1 for j in range(nx): if j < nx: thickness_swapped[i,j] = thickness_grid[j,ii] for i in range(nx): if i < ny: ii = nx - i - 1 for j in range(ny): if j < ny: thickness_swapped[i, j] = thickness_grid[j, ii] if vmin is not None and vmax is None: plt.imshow(thickness_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)], vmin=vmin) elif vmax is not None and vmin is None: plt.imshow(thickness_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)], vmax=vmax) elif vmin is not None and vmax is not None: plt.imshow(thickness_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: plt.imshow(thickness_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)]) plt.xlabel('x ($\AA$)') plt.ylabel('y ($\AA$)') #print in_xyzc[3] #plt.scatter(in_xyzc[0], in_xyzc[1], c=in_xyzc[3], marker='s',s=50, cmap=cma) #cax, kw = mpl.colorbar.make_axes(plt.gca()) #norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin = min(in_xyzc[3]), vmax = max(in_xyzc[3]), clip = False) #c = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cma, norm=norm) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar()'Thickness ($\AA$)') plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_xygrid_as_imshow(x_centers, y_centers, grid, filename='grid.pdf', save=True, show=False, colorbar=False, colorbarlabel=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, interpolation='none', xlabel=None, ylabel=None): cma ='viridis') nx = grid.shape[0] ny = grid.shape[1] #need to rearrange the array order for imshow to match the same x and y values as is assumed with input thickness_grid grid_swapped = np.zeros((ny,nx), dtype=grid.dtype) for i in range(ny): if i < nx: ii = ny-i - 1 for j in range(nx): if j < nx: grid_swapped[i,j] = grid[j,ii] for i in range(nx): if i < ny: ii = nx - i - 1 for j in range(ny): if j < ny: grid_swapped[i, j] = grid[j, ii] if vmin is not None and vmax is None: plt.imshow(grid_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)], vmin=vmin) elif vmax is not None and vmin is None: plt.imshow(grid_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)], vmax=vmax) elif vmin is not None and vmax is not None: plt.imshow(grid_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: plt.imshow(grid_swapped, cmap=cma, interpolation=interpolation, extent=[np.min(x_centers), np.max(x_centers), np.min(y_centers), np.max(y_centers)]) if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel) if colorbar: cbar = plt.colorbar() if colorbarlabel is not None: plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_ebar_hists(center_count_err, name_list=None, filename='ebar_hist.eps', save=True, show=False, xlabel=None, ylabel='Counts'): """Generic plotting function for (multiple) xy datasets. Args: dat_list (list or list like): List of tuples of data vectors in the format [(x_0, y_0), (x_1. y_1), ... ] yerr_list (list or list like): List of the yerr vectors. e.g. [y_0_err, y_1_err, ... ] name_list (list or list like, Optional): List of string legend names to assign the curves being plotted. filename (str, Optional): The string containing the path and filename for the exported plot file. save (bool, Optional): Set whether to save the generated plot to disc with filename. Default: True show (bool, Optional): Set whether to show the generated plot in an interactive window (i.e. Default: False xlabel (str, Optional): Specify a x-axis label. ylabel (str, Optional): Specify a y-axis label marker (str, Optional): Specify a matplotlib marker type for data points. """ _colors = itertools.cycle(('#47d147', '#2929a3', '#e6b800', '#e65c00', '#cc33ff', '#33ccff', '#009999', '#996633', '#666699')) _marker = itertools.cycle(('s', 'o', 'v', 'p', 'D', '^', '8', '>', '<')) i = 0 for cce in center_count_err: if name_list is not None: plt.errorbar(cce[0], cce[1], yerr=cce[2], marker=next(_marker), drawstyle='steps-mid', color=next(_colors), label=name_list[i]) else: plt.errorbar(cce[0], cce[1], yerr=cce[2], marker=next(_marker), drawstyle='steps-mid', color=next(_colors)) i += 1 if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel) lgd = None if name_list is not None: #lgd = plt.legend(loc=7) if len(name_list) > 3: lgd = plt.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 0.5)) else: lgd = plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() if save: if lgd is not None: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.savefig(filename) if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_spark(xdat,ydat,filename='plot.eps', save=True, show=False, color='#47d147'): """Generic plotting function for (multiple) xy datasets. Based on matplotlib spark_line function defined here: Args: dat_list (list or list like): List of tuples of data vectors in the format [(x_0, y_0), (x_1. y_1), ... ] yerr_list (list or list like): List of the yerr vectors. e.g. [y_0_err, y_1_err, ... ] name_list (list or list like, Optional): List of string legend names to assign the curves being plotted. filename (str, Optional): The string containing the path and filename for the exported plot file. save (bool, Optional): Set whether to save the generated plot to disc with filename. Default: True show (bool, Optional): Set whether to show the generated plot in an interactive window (i.e. Default: False xlabel (str, Optional): Specify a x-axis label. ylabel (str, Optional): Specify a y-axis label marker (str, Optional): Specify a matplotlib marker type for data points. """ _colors = itertools.cycle(('#47d147', '#2929a3', '#e6b800', '#e65c00', '#cc33ff', '#33ccff', '#009999', '#996633', '#666699')) _marker = itertools.cycle(('s', 'o', 'v', 'p', 'D', '^', '8', '>', '<')) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(xdat, ydat, color=color) for k,v in ax.spines.items(): v.set_visible(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) #plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'r.') ax.fill_between(xdat, ydat, min(ydat), alpha=0.1, color=color) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_spark_multi(xdats,ydats,filename='plot.eps', save=True, show=False, colors=None): """Generic plotting function for (multiple) xy datasets. Based on matplotlib spark_line function defined here: Args: dat_list (list or list like): List of tuples of data vectors in the format [(x_0, y_0), (x_1. y_1), ... ] yerr_list (list or list like): List of the yerr vectors. e.g. [y_0_err, y_1_err, ... ] name_list (list or list like, Optional): List of string legend names to assign the curves being plotted. filename (str, Optional): The string containing the path and filename for the exported plot file. save (bool, Optional): Set whether to save the generated plot to disc with filename. Default: True show (bool, Optional): Set whether to show the generated plot in an interactive window (i.e. Default: False xlabel (str, Optional): Specify a x-axis label. ylabel (str, Optional): Specify a y-axis label marker (str, Optional): Specify a matplotlib marker type for data points. """ _colors = itertools.cycle(('#47d147', '#2929a3', '#e6b800', '#e65c00', '#cc33ff', '#33ccff', '#009999', '#996633', '#666699')) _marker = itertools.cycle(('s', 'o', 'v', 'p', 'D', '^', '8', '>', '<')) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) nsets = len(xdats) for i in range(nsets): xdat = xdats[i] ydat = ydats[i] try: color = colors[i] except: color = next(_colors) ax.plot(xdat, ydat, color=color, marker=next(_marker), linestyle='-') ax.fill_between(xdat, ydat, min(ydats[2]), alpha=0.2, color=color) for k,v in ax.spines.items(): v.set_visible(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) #plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'r.') plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_spark_error(xdat,ydat, error, filename='plot.eps', save=True, show=False, color='#47d147'): """Generic plotting function for (multiple) xy datasets. Based on matplotlib spark_line function defined here: Args: dat_list (list or list like): List of tuples of data vectors in the format [(x_0, y_0), (x_1. y_1), ... ] yerr_list (list or list like): List of the yerr vectors. e.g. [y_0_err, y_1_err, ... ] name_list (list or list like, Optional): List of string legend names to assign the curves being plotted. filename (str, Optional): The string containing the path and filename for the exported plot file. save (bool, Optional): Set whether to save the generated plot to disc with filename. Default: True show (bool, Optional): Set whether to show the generated plot in an interactive window (i.e. Default: False xlabel (str, Optional): Specify a x-axis label. ylabel (str, Optional): Specify a y-axis label marker (str, Optional): Specify a matplotlib marker type for data points. """ _colors = itertools.cycle(('#47d147', '#2929a3', '#e6b800', '#e65c00', '#cc33ff', '#33ccff', '#009999', '#996633', '#666699')) _marker = itertools.cycle(('s', 'o', 'v', 'p', 'D', '^', '8', '>', '<')) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(xdat, ydat, color=color) for k,v in ax.spines.items(): v.set_visible(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) #plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'r.') ydat = np.array(ydat) error = np.array(error) ax.fill_between(xdat, ydat-error, min(ydat-error), alpha=0.1, color=color) ax.fill_between(xdat, ydat+error, ydat-error, alpha=0.25, color=color) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_spark_marker(xdat,ydat,filename='plot.eps', save=True, show=False, color='#47d147', marker='s'): """Generic plotting function for (multiple) xy datasets. Based on matplotlib spark_line function defined here: Args: dat_list (list or list like): List of tuples of data vectors in the format [(x_0, y_0), (x_1. y_1), ... ] yerr_list (list or list like): List of the yerr vectors. e.g. [y_0_err, y_1_err, ... ] name_list (list or list like, Optional): List of string legend names to assign the curves being plotted. filename (str, Optional): The string containing the path and filename for the exported plot file. save (bool, Optional): Set whether to save the generated plot to disc with filename. Default: True show (bool, Optional): Set whether to show the generated plot in an interactive window (i.e. Default: False xlabel (str, Optional): Specify a x-axis label. ylabel (str, Optional): Specify a y-axis label marker (str, Optional): Specify a matplotlib marker type for data points. """ _colors = itertools.cycle(('#47d147', '#2929a3', '#e6b800', '#e65c00', '#cc33ff', '#33ccff', '#009999', '#996633', '#666699')) _marker = itertools.cycle(('s', 'o', 'v', 'p', 'D', '^', '8', '>', '<')) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(xdat, ydat, color=color, marker=marker, markersize=40) for k,v in ax.spines.items(): v.set_visible(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) #plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'r.') ax.fill_between(xdat, ydat, min(ydat), alpha=0.1, color=color) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') if show: return plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_spark_error_marker(xdat,ydat, error, filename='plot.eps', save=True, show=False, color='#47d147', marker='s'): """Generic plotting function for (multiple) xy datasets. Based on matplotlib spark_line function defined here: Args: dat_list (list or list like): List of tuples of data vectors in the format [(x_0, y_0), (x_1. y_1), ... ] yerr_list (list or list like): List of the yerr vectors. e.g. [y_0_err, y_1_err, ... ] name_list (list or list like, Optional): List of string legend names to assign the curves being plotted. filename (str, Optional): The string containing the path and filename for the exported plot file. save (bool, Optional): Set whether to save the generated plot to disc with filename. Default: True show (bool, Optional): Set whether to show the generated plot in an interactive window (i.e. Default: False xlabel (str, Optional): Specify a x-axis label. ylabel (str, Optional): Specify a y-axis label marker (str, Optional): Specify a matplotlib marker type for data points. """ # _colors = itertools.cycle(('#47d147', '#2929a3', '#e6b800', '#e65c00', '#cc33ff', '#33ccff', '#009999', '#996633', '#666699')) # _marker = itertools.cycle(('s', 'o', 'v', 'p', 'D', '^', '8', '>', '<')) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(xdat, ydat, color=color, marker=marker, markersize=40) for k,v in ax.spines.items(): v.set_visible(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) #plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'r.') ydat = np.array(ydat) error = np.array(error) ax.fill_between(xdat, ydat-error, min(ydat-error), alpha=0.1, color=color) ax.fill_between(xdat, ydat+error, ydat-error, alpha=0.25, color=color) plt.tight_layout() if save: plt.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') if show: return plt.close() return