Source code for pybilt.common.distance_cutoff_clustering

"""Function to compute hiearchical distance cutoff clusters."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range

[docs]def distance_euclidean(v_a, v_b): """Compute the Euclidean distance between two vectors. Args: v_a (numpy.array, array like): The first input vector. v_b (numpy.array, array like): The second input vector. Returns: float: The Euclidean distance between the two vectors. Notes: The two vectors should have the same size and dimension. """ d_v = v_a - v_b return np.sqrt(, d_v))
[docs]def distance_euclidean_pbc(v_a, v_b, box_lengths, center='zero'): """Compute the Euclidean distance between two vectors under periodic boundaries. Args: v_a (numpy.array, array like): The first input vector. v_b (numpy.array, array like): The second input vector. box_lengths (numpy.array, array like): The periodic boundary box lengths for each dimension. center (Optional[str, array like]): Set the coordinate center of the periodic box dimensions. Defaults to 'zero', which sets the center to numpy.zeros(len(box_lengths)). Also accepts the string value 'box_half', which sets the center to 0.5*box_lengths. Returns: float: The Euclidean distance between the two vectors. Notes: The two vectors should have the same size and dimension, while box_lengths should have the length of the vector dimension. """ if isinstance(center, str): if center == 'zero': center = np.zeros(len(v_a)) elif center == 'box_half': center = np.array(box_lengths)/2.0 # shift center to zero for minimum image v_a = v_a - center v_b = v_b - center #print(v_a) #print(v_b) # difference d_v = v_a - v_b #print(d_v) d_v_a = np.absolute(d_v) dim = len(v_a) # check for minimum image for i in range(dim): v_i = d_v_a[i] box_i = box_lengths[i] box_i_h = box_i/2.0 if v_i > box_i_h: d_v[i] = box_i - np.absolute(v_a[i]) - np.absolute(v_b[i]) #print(d_v) r = np.sqrt(, d_v)) return r
[docs]def vector_difference_pbc(v_a, v_b, box_lengths, center='zero'): """Compute the Euclidean distance between two vectors under periodic boundaries. Args: v_a (numpy.array, array like): The first input vector. v_b (numpy.array, array like): The second input vector. box_lengths (numpy.array, array like): The periodic boundary box lengths for each dimension. center (Optional[str, array like]): Set the coordinate center of the periodic box dimensions. Defaults to 'zero', which sets the center to numpy.zeros(len(box_lengths)). Also accepts the string value 'box_half', which sets the center to 0.5*box_lengths. Returns: float: The Euclidean distance between the two vectors. Notes: The two vectors should have the same size and dimension, while box_lengths should have the length of the vector dimension. """ if isinstance(center, str): if center == 'zero': center = np.zeros(len(v_a)) elif center == 'box_half': center = np.array(box_lengths)/2.0 # shift center to zero for minimum image v_a = v_a - center v_b = v_b - center #print(v_a) #print(v_b) # difference d_v = v_b - v_a #print(d_v) d_v_a = np.absolute(d_v) dim = len(v_a) # check for minimum image for i in range(dim): v_i = d_v_a[i] box_i = box_lengths[i] box_i_h = box_i/2.0 if v_i > box_i_h: d_v_p = box_i - np.absolute(v_a[i]) - np.absolute(v_b[i]) d_v_aa = np.absolute(d_v[i]) if (d_v_p > 0.0) and (d_v_aa > 0.0): d_v[i] = d_v_p * (-1.0*d_v[i]/d_v_aa) #print(d_v) #d_v_pbc = d_v * d_v_n #r = np.sqrt(, d_v)) return d_v
[docs]def distance_cutoff_clustering(vectors, cutoff, dist_func, min_size=1, *df_args, **df_kwargs): """Hiearchical distance cutoff clustering. This function takes a set of vector points and clusters them using a hiearchical distance based clustering algorithm. Points are clustered together whenevever a point is within the cutoff distance of any point within in a cluster. Args: vectors (np.array, list like): The array of vector points. cutoff (float): The cutoff distance. dist_func (function): The function to use when computing the distance between points. min_size (Optional[int]): The minimum size of a cluster. Defaults to 1. *df_args: Any additional arguments to be passed to the distance function (dist_func). **df_kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments to be passed to the distance function (dist_func). Returns: list: Returns a list of clustered points where each set of clustered i points is a list of the indices of the points in that cluster. """ # compute the boolean distance-cutoff matrix nvecs = len(vectors) dist_bool = np.zeros((nvecs, nvecs), dtype=np.bool) for i in range(nvecs-1): vec_a = vectors[i] for j in range(i+1, nvecs): vec_b = vectors[j] dist = dist_func(vec_a, vec_b, *df_args, **df_kwargs) if dist <= cutoff: dist_bool[i][j] = True dist_bool[j][i] = True else: dist_bool[i][j] = False dist_bool[j][i] = False clusters = [] master = [] for i in range(nvecs): master.append([i, False]) # print(master) # clustind = 0 neighbors = [] while len(master) > 0: start = master[0][0] master[0][1] = True # print(master) # reset the neigbor list neighbors = [] # seed neighborlist with start neighbors.append(start) # now loop over the neigbor list and build neigbors and # neighbors of neighbors i = 0 while i < len(neighbors): # print(neighbors) a = neighbors[i] # vec_a = vectors[a] for j in range(len(master)): b = master[j][0] if not master[j][1]: # print "a ",a," b ",b # vec_b = vectors[b] if dist_bool[a][b]: neighbors.append(b) master[j][1] = True # print(neighbors) # print(master) i += 1 master = list([v for v in master if not v[1]]) # print(master) if len(neighbors) > min_size: clusters.append(list(neighbors)) # clusters[clustind] = list(neighbors) return clusters