Source code for pybilt.common.gaussian

"""Define Gaussian function objects.

This module defines the Gaussian class and the GaussianRange class.


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import object
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range

[docs]class Gaussian(object): """A Gaussian function object. Attributes: mean (float): The mean of the Gaussian. std (float): The standard deviation of the Gaussian. """ def __init__(self, mean,std): """Initialize a Gaussian function object. Args: mean (float): Set the mean of the Gaussian. std (float): Set the standard deviation of the Gaussian. """ stdinv = 1.0/std normalc = stdinv*(1.0/np.sqrt(np.pi)) self.sigma = std self.mean = mean self._normconst = normalc return
[docs] def eval(self,x_in): """Return the Gaussian function evaluated at the input x value. Args: x_in (float): The x value to evaluate the function at. Returns: float: The function evaluation for the Gaussian. """ stdinv = 1.0/self.sigma stdinvsq = stdinv**2 normalc = self._normconst expon = -(x_in - self.mean)**2 * (0.5*stdinvsq) y = normalc * np.exp(expon) return y
[docs] def reset_mean(self,new_mean): """Change the mean of the Gaussian function. Args: new_mean (float): The new mean of the Gaussian function. """ self.mean = new_mean return
[docs]class GaussianRange(object): """Define a Gaussian function over a range. This object is used to define a Gaussian function over a defined finite range and store its values as evaluated at points evenly spaced over the range. The points can then for example be used for integrating the Gaussian function over the range using numerical quadrature. Attributes: mean (float): The mean of the Gaussian. std (float): The standard deviation of the Gaussian. upper (float): The upper boundary of the range. lower (float): The lower boundary of the range. npoints (int): The number of points to evaluate in the range. """ def __init__(self,in_range,mean,std,npoints=200): """Initialize the GaussianRange object. The GaussianRange stores the values of Gaussian function with the input mean and standard deviation evaluated at evenly spaced points in the specified x-value range. Args: in_range (tuple, list): Specify the endpoints for range, e.g. (x_start, x_end). mean (float): The mean of the Gaussian function. std (float): The standard deviation of the Gaussian function. npoints (Optional[int]): The number of x-value points to evaluate the Gaussian function for in the specified range (i.e. in_range). """ x_p = np.linspace(in_range[0],in_range[1],npoints,endpoint=True) y_p = np.zeros(npoints) yc = 0 stdinv = 1.0/std stdinvsq = stdinv**2 normalc = stdinv*(1.0/np.sqrt(np.pi)) for x in x_p: expon = -(x - mean)**2 * (0.5*stdinvsq) y = normalc * np.exp(expon) y_p[yc]=y yc+=1 self.x = x_p self.y = y_p self.sigma = std self.mean = mean self._normconst = normalc self.upper = in_range[1] self.lower = in_range[0] self._dx = x_p[1]-x_p[0] self.npoints = npoints return
[docs] def get_values(self): """Return the x and y values for the Gaussian range function. Returns: tuple: The x and y values for the function, returned as ( x_values, y_values). """ return (self.x,self.y)
[docs] def eval(self,x_in): """Return the Gaussian function evaluated at the input x value. Args: x_in (float): The x value to evaluate the function at. Returns: float: The function evaluation for the Gaussian. """ stdinv = 1.0/self.sigma stdinvsq = stdinv**2 normalc = self._normconst expon = -(x_in - self.mean)**2 * (0.5*stdinvsq) y = normalc * np.exp(expon) return y
[docs] def integrate_range(self, lower, upper): """Returns the numerical integration of the Gaussian range. This function does a simple quadrature for the Gaussian function as evaluated on the range (or subset of the range) specified at initialization. Args: lower (float): The lower boundary for the integration. upper (float): The upper boundary for the integration. Returns: float: The numerical value of the Gaussian range integrated from lower to upper. Notes: This function does not thoroughly check the bounds, so if upper is less than lower the function will break. """ if upper>self.upper: upper=self.upper if lower<self.lower: lower = self.lower i_l = int(np.floor((lower-self.lower)/self._dx)) i_u = int(np.floor((upper-self.lower)/self._dx)) #print "i_l ",i_l," i_u ",i_u total = 0.0 for i in range(i_l,i_u): total+= self.y[i]*self._dx return total
[docs] def sum_range(self, lower, upper): """Returns the over the Gaussian range. This function sums the Gaussian function at the points that were evaluated on the range (or subset of the range) specified at initialization. Args: lower (float): The lower boundary for the sum. upper (float): The upper boundary for the sum. Returns: float: The numerical value of the Gaussian range as summed from lower to upper. Notes: This function does not thoroughly check the bounds, so if upper is less than lower the function will break. """ if upper>self.upper: upper=self.upper if lower<self.lower: lower = self.lower i_l = int(np.floor((lower-self.lower)/self._dx)) i_u = int(np.floor((upper-self.lower)/self._dx)) total = 0.0 for i in range(i_l,i_u): total+= self.y[i] return total
[docs] def normalize(self): """Normalizes (by area) the Gaussian function values over the range.""" total = 0.0 for i in range(0,self.npoints): total+=self.y[i]*self._dx for i in range(0,self.npoints): self.y[i]/=total return
[docs] def reset_mean(self,new_mean): """Change the mean of the Gaussian function. Args: new_mean (float): The new mean of the Gaussian function. Notes: This function does not re-evaluate the Gaussian range and therefore only affects the output of the eval function. """ self.mean = new_mean return