Source code for pybilt.diffusion.diffusion_coefficients

"""Estimate self diffusion coefficients from MSD(t) data.

This module provides a set of functions to estimate self diffusion coefficients
from mean squared displacement (MSD) time trajectories.


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from six.moves import range

[docs]def diffusion_coefficient_Einstein(times, msd_vals, dim=2, time_range=None): """Estimate diffusion coefficient from MSD(t) via Einstein relation. A function to estimate the diffusion constant from a mean squared displacement time series. This function uses the long time mean squared displacement approximation (Einstein relation): MSD = lim_(t->inf) <||r_i(t) - r_i(0)||**2>_(nsels) = 2*dim*D*t where D is the diffusion coefficient. Args: times (numpy.array): Array of the simulation times of each MSD point. msd_vals (numpy.array): Array of the MSD values. dim (Optional[int]): Set the dimension of the data and fit function: 1 for 1-dimensional , 2 for 2-dimensional, or 3 for 3-dimensional. Defaults to 2. time_range (Optional[list]): Specify a time range via a list with format [time_start, time_end]; the range should be given in the same units as the time data in the Arg times. Defaults to None, which uses the whole time range in Args times. Returns: float: The value of the diffusion coefficient. References: 1. Preston B. Moore, Carlos F. Lopez, Michael L. Klein, Dynamical Properties of a Hydrated Lipid Bilayer from a Multinanosecond Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Biophysical Journal, Volume 81, Issue 5, 2001, Pages 2484-2494, ISSN 0006-3495, ( 2. Section 8.7, """ t = times msd = msd_vals if time_range is not None: t, msd = _time_block(times, msd_vals, time_range[0], time_range[1]) nvals = len(msd) dt = t - t[0] D = msd[nvals-1]/(2.0*dim*dt[nvals-1]) return D
[docs]def diffusion_coefficient_linear_fit(times, msd_vals, dim=2, time_range=None): """Estimate the diffusion coefficent via linear least squares fit of MSD(t) data. Assumes the MSD data has the linear form, MSD(t) = 2*dim*D*t , and uses a linear least squares fit to estimate the diffusion coefficent D. Args: times (numpy.array): Array of the simulation times of each MSD point. msd_vals (numpy.array): Array of the MSD values. dim (Optional[int]): Set the dimension of the data and fit function: 1 for 1-dimensional , 2 for 2-dimensional, or 3 for 3-dimensional. Defaults to 2. time_range (Optional[list]): Specify a time range via a list with format [time_start, time_end]; the range should be given in the same units as the time data in the Arg times. Defaults to None, which uses the whole time range in Args times. Returns: tuple: Returns a tuple with format (D, Error_D), where D is the estimated diffusion coefficent and Error_D is the estimated error for D. References: 1. Preston B. Moore, Carlos F. Lopez, Michael L. Klein, Dynamical Properties of a Hydrated Lipid Bilayer from a Multinanosecond Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Biophysical Journal, Volume 81, Issue 5, 2001, Pages 2484-2494, ISSN 0006-3495; ( """ t = times msd = msd_vals if time_range is not None: t, msd = _time_block(times, msd_vals, time_range[0], time_range[1]) #print(t, msd) dt = t - t[0] print("in diffco:", t[0], t[-1]) slope, dummy_intercept, dummy_r_value, dummy_p_value, \ std_err = stats.linregress(dt,msd) return (slope/(2.0*dim), std_err/(2.0*dim))
# Anomalous diffusion def _msd_anom_1d(time, D_alpha, alpha): """1d anomalous diffusion function.""" return 2.0*D_alpha*time**alpha def _msd_anom_2d(time, D_alpha, alpha): """2d anomalous diffusion function.""" return 4.0*D_alpha*time**alpha def _msd_anom_3d(time, D_alpha, alpha): """3d anomalous diffusion function.""" return 6.0*D_alpha*time**alpha
[docs]def diffusion_coefficient_anomalous_fit(times, msd_vals, dim=2, time_range=None): """Fit MSD time series data to an anomalous diffusion model. The anomalous diffusion function has the form: MSD(t) = 2 * dim * D_alpha * t**alpha For alpha values 0 < alpha < 1 corresponds to subdiffusion, while 1 < alpha < 2 corresponds to superdiffusion. Args: times (numpy.array): Array of the simulation times of each MSD point. msd_vals (numpy.array): Array of the MSD values. dim (Optional[int]): Set the dimension of the data and fit function: 1 for 1-dimensional , 2 for 2-dimensional, or 3 for 3-dimensional. Defaults to 2. time_range (Optional[list]): Specify a time range via a list with format [time_start, time_end]; the range should be given in the same units as the time data in the Arg times. Defaults to None, which uses the whole time range in Args times. Returns: tuple: The return is a tuple with values (D_alpha, alpha) where D_alpha is the anomalous diffusion coefficent and alpha is the anomalous diffusion power. References: 1. Gerald R. Kneller, Krzysztof Baczynski, and Marta Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, Consistent picture of lateral subdiffusion in lipid bilayers: Molecular dynamics simulation and exact results, The Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 141105 (2011); doi: """ t = times msd = msd_vals func = _msd_anom_2d if dim == 3: func = _msd_anom_3d elif dim == 1: func = _msd_anom_1d if time_range is not None: t, msd = _time_block(times, msd_vals, time_range[0], time_range[1]) t -= t[0] popt, dummy_pcov = curve_fit(func, t, msd) return popt
# helper function def _time_block(times, values, t_lower, t_upper): """Create a new sub block of data for the specified time range.""" npoints = len(times) t = [] val = [] for i in range(npoints): time = times[i] value = values[i] if time >= t_lower and time <= t_upper: t.append(time) val.append(value) return (np.array(t), np.array(val))