Source code for pybilt.lipid_grid.lipid_grid_curv

    Classes and functions to implement gridding and curvature correlation analysis for lipid bilayers.
    The gridding and anlaysis procedures are based on
    the decription given in section "Correlation between bilayer surface curvature and the
clustering of lipid molecules" of Koldso H, Shorthouse D, He lie J, Sansom MSP (2014)
Lipid Clustering Correlates with Membrane Curvature as Revealed by Molecular Simulations of
Complex Lipid Bilayers. PLoS Comput Biol 10(10): e1003911. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003911
However, this implementation currently uses the z position (or normal position) of the lipids' centers of mass, while
their implementaion uses "the z coordinate of the interface between the head groups of the
lipids (excluding the current species being calculated and tails in
that box."

import numpy as np
from six.moves import range

[docs]class LipidGrid_2d(object): def __init__(self, com_frame, com_frame_indices,plane,nxbins=20,nybins=20): #store the frame and leaflet self.frame = com_frame #self.leaflet = ms_leaflet #get the x and y indices ix = plane[0] iy = plane[1] iz = [i for i in [0,1,2] if i not in plane][0] #get the box dimemsions box = boxx = box[ix] boxy = box[iy] #box_com = com_frame.mem_com #box_com_x = box_com[ix] #box_com_y = box_com[iy] #save the numbers of bins self.x_nbins = nxbins self.y_nbins = nybins #initialize the edges of the and centers of the gridpoints # x #self.x_min = -box_com_x #self.x_max = boxx - box_com_x self.x_min = 0.0 self.x_max = boxx self.x_edges = np.linspace(self.x_min,self.x_max,(nxbins+1),endpoint=True) self.x_incr = self.x_edges[1]-self.x_edges[0] x_incr_h = self.x_incr/2.0 self.x_centers = np.zeros(nxbins) self.x_nedges = len(self.x_edges) for i in range(1,self.x_nedges): j=i-1 self.x_centers[j]=self.x_edges[j]+x_incr_h # y #self.y_min = -box_com_y #self.y_max = boxy - box_com_y self.y_min = 0.0 self.y_max = boxy self.y_edges = np.linspace(self.y_min,self.y_max,(nybins+1),endpoint=True) self.y_incr = self.y_edges[1]-self.y_edges[0] y_incr_h = self.y_incr/2.0 self.y_centers = np.zeros(nybins) self.y_nedges = len(self.y_edges) for i in range(1,self.y_nedges): j=i-1 self.y_centers[j]=self.y_edges[j]+y_incr_h self.x_length = self.x_max-self.x_min self.y_length = self.y_max-self.y_min # get the lipid indices for this leaflet indices = com_frame_indices #now assign lipids to the gridpoints self.lipid_grid = [] #cx = 0 #print self.x_edges mx_x = -1000.0 mn_x = 1000.0 for cx in range(len(self.x_edges)-1): self.lipid_grid.append([]) x_lower = self.x_edges[cx] x_upper = self.x_edges[cx+1] #print "x_upper ",x_upper, " x_lower ",x_lower for cy in range(len(self.y_edges)-1): self.lipid_grid[cx].append([]) y_lower = self.y_edges[cy] y_upper = self.y_edges[cy+1] #check lipid COMs for i in indices: xi = com_frame.lipidcom[i].com[ix] yi = com_frame.lipidcom[i].com[iy] zi = com_frame.lipidcom[i].com_unwrap[iz] x_box = xi > x_lower and xi < x_upper y_box = yi > y_lower and yi < y_upper if xi < mn_x: mn_x = xi if xi > mx_x: mx_x = xi if x_box and y_box: #add to this grid self.lipid_grid[cx][cy].append((i, com_frame.lipidcom[i].type, zi))
[docs] def get_index_at(self,ix,iy): return self.lipid_grid[ix][iy][:,0]
[docs] def get_z_at(self,ix,iy): return self.lipid_grid[ix][iy][:,2]
[docs]class LipidGrids(object): def __init__(self, com_frame, leaflets,plane,nxbins=3,nybins=3): #store the frame and leaflet self.frame = com_frame self.leaflets = leaflets self.plane = plane self.norm = [i for i in [0,1,2] if i not in plane][0] self.nbins_x = nxbins self.nbins_y = nybins self.leaf_grid = {} self.myframe = com_frame.mdnumber #initialize the grids #upper upper_indices = leaflets['upper'].get_member_indices() self.leaf_grid['upper'] = LipidGrid_2d(com_frame,upper_indices,plane,nxbins=nxbins,nybins=nybins) #lower lower_indices = leaflets['lower'].get_member_indices() self.leaf_grid['lower'] = LipidGrid_2d(com_frame,lower_indices,plane,nxbins=nxbins,nybins=nybins) return
[docs] def norm_displacement_cross_correlation(self): output = dict() for leaf in self.leaflets.keys(): output[leaf] = dict() ll_types = self.leaflets[leaf].get_group_names() for l_type in ll_types: #loop over grid boxes count = [] z_vals = [] n_box = 0.0 for xb in self.leaf_grid[leaf].lipid_grid: for yb in xb: box_count = 0 box_z_vals = [] for lipid in yb: # print(lipid) lipid_type = lipid[1] lipid_z = lipid[2] #print "lipid_z: ",lipid_z if lipid_type == l_type: box_count+=1 else: box_z_vals.append(lipid_z) n_box+=1 if len(box_z_vals) > 0: #n_box+=1.0 box_z_avg = box_z_vals[0] if len(box_z_vals) > 1: box_z_avg = np.array(box_z_vals).mean() count.append(float(box_count)) z_vals.append(box_z_avg) cross_corr = 0.0 if len(count) > 1 and len(z_vals) >1: count = np.array(count) z_vals = np.array(z_vals) count_mean = count.mean() count_std = count.std() z_mean = z_vals.mean() z_std = z_vals.std() cross_sum =, z_vals-z_mean) cross_corr = cross_sum/(count_std*z_std*n_box) if np.isnan(cross_corr): cross_corr = 0.0 output[leaf][l_type] = cross_corr #quit() return output