Source code for pybilt.lipid_grid.lipid_grid_mda

    Classes and functions to implement lipid COM gridding and analysis for lipid bilayers. Acts on MemSys objects.
    The gridding and anlaysis procedures are based on
    the decriptions given in Gapsys et al. J Comput Aided Mol Des (2013) 27:845-858,
    which is itself a modified version of the GridMAT-MD method by Allen et al. Vol. 30, No. 12 Journal of Computational Chemistry.
    However, I have currently left out several bits of the extra functionality, e.g. the handling of an embedded protein.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import object
import numpy as np
# import my running stats class
from pybilt.common.running_stats import RunningStats
from six.moves import range

[docs]class LipidGrid_2d(object): def __init__(self, mda_frame, mda_universe, mda_frame_resids, plane, nxbins=50, nybins=50): # store the frame and leaflet self.frame = mda_frame # self.leaflet = ms_leaflet # get the x and y indices ix = plane[0] iy = plane[1] iz = [i for i in [0, 1, 2] if i not in plane][0] # get the box dimemsions box =[plane] boxx = box[ix] boxy = box[iy] # save the numbers of bins self.x_nbins = nxbins self.y_nbins = nybins # initialize the edges of the and centers of the gridpoints # x self.x_min = 0.0 self.x_max = boxx self.x_edges = np.linspace(self.x_min, self.x_max, (nxbins + 1), endpoint=True) self.x_incr = self.x_edges[1] - self.x_edges[0] x_incr_h = self.x_incr / 2.0 self.x_centers = np.zeros(nxbins) self.x_nedges = len(self.x_edges) for i in range(1, self.x_nedges): j = i - 1 self.x_centers[j] = self.x_edges[j] + x_incr_h # y self.y_min = 0.0 self.y_max = boxy self.y_edges = np.linspace(self.y_min, self.y_max, (nybins + 1), endpoint=True) self.y_incr = self.y_edges[1] - self.y_edges[0] y_incr_h = self.y_incr / 2.0 self.y_centers = np.zeros(nybins) self.y_nedges = len(self.y_edges) for i in range(1, self.x_nedges): j = i - 1 self.y_centers[j] = self.y_edges[j] + y_incr_h self.x_length = self.x_max - self.x_min self.y_length = self.y_max - self.y_min # get the lipid indices for this leaflet resids = mda_frame_resids #void_ind = max(indices) + 1 # now assign lipids to the gridpoints self.lipid_grid = np.zeros((nxbins, nybins), self.lipid_grid_z = np.zeros((nxbins, nybins)) self.lipid_grid_resnames = [] bxh = boxx / 2.0 byh = boxy / 2.0 cx = 0 for x in self.x_centers: self.lipid_grid_resnames.append([]) cy = 0 for y in self.y_centers: r_min = 1.0e10 i_min = 0 z_min = 0.0 resname_min = "UNK" # check lipid COMs for i in resids: res_sel_string = "resid "+str(i) res_sel = mda_universe.select_atoms(res_sel_string) resname = res_sel.resname res_indices = res_sel.indices for index in res_indices: pos = mda_frame.positions[index] xi = pos[ix] yi = pos[iy] zi = pos[iz] # print "iz ",iz," zi ",zi dx = x - xi dy = y - yi # Minimum image -- coordinates must be pre-wrapped if np.absolute(dx) > bxh: dx = boxx - np.absolute(x - bxh) - np.absolute(xi - bxh) if np.absolute(dy) > bxh: dy = boxy - np.absolute(y - byh) - np.absolute(yi - byh) rxy = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) if rxy < r_min: r_min = rxy i_min = i z_min = zi resname_min = resname # if embedded_protein is not None: # print "i_min ",i_min," z_min ",z_min # if cutoff is not None: # else: self.lipid_grid[cx, cy] = i_min self.lipid_grid_z[cx, cy] = z_min self.lipid_grid_resnames[cx].append(resname_min) cy += 1 cx += 1
[docs] def get_index_at(self, ix, iy): return self.lipid_grid[ix, iy]
[docs] def get_z_at(self, ix, iy): return self.lipid_grid_z[ix, iy]
# Outputs the grid as an xyz coordinate file
[docs] def write_xyz(self, xyz_name): # Open up the file to write to xyz_out = open(xyz_name, "w") npoints = self.x_nbins * self.y_nbins comment = "Leaflet Grid " + xyz_out.write(str(npoints)) xyz_out.write("\n") xyz_out.write(comment) xyz_out.write("\n") cx = 0 for x in self.x_centers: cy = 0 for y in self.y_centers: # get the z coordinate z = self.lipid_grid_z[cx, cy] # get the lipid resname oname = self.lipid_grid_resnames[cx][cy] # write to file line = str(oname) + " " + str(x) + " " + str(y) + " " + str(z) xyz_out.write(line) xyz_out.write("\n") cy += 1 cx += 1 xyz_out.close() return
[docs]class LipidGrids(object): def __init__(self, mda_frame, mda_universe, leaflets, plane, nxbins=50, nybins=50): # store the frame and leaflet self.frame = mda_frame self.leaflets = leaflets self.plane = plane self.norm = [i for i in [0, 1, 2] if i not in plane][0] self.nbins_x = nxbins self.nbins_y = nybins self.leaf_grid = {} self.myframe = mda_frame.frame # initialize the grids # upper upper_resids = leaflets['upper'].get_member_resids() self.leaf_grid['upper'] = LipidGrid_2d(mda_frame, mda_universe, upper_resids, plane, nxbins=nxbins, nybins=nybins) # lower lower_resids = leaflets['lower'].get_member_resids() self.leaf_grid['lower'] = LipidGrid_2d(mda_frame, mda_universe, lower_resids, plane, nxbins=nxbins, nybins=nybins) return
[docs] def thickness_grid(self): tgrid = np.zeros((self.nbins_x, self.nbins_y)) for ix in range(self.nbins_x): for iy in range(self.nbins_y): zu = self.leaf_grid['upper'].get_z_at(ix, iy) zl = self.leaf_grid['lower'].get_z_at(ix, iy) dz = zu - zl tgrid[ix, iy] = dz if dz < 0.0: print("Warning!!--MD frame number ", self.myframe, " --Value thickness less than zero (", dz, ") at grid point ", ix, " ", iy) return tgrid
[docs] def average_thickness(self, return_grid=False): trun = RunningStats() tgrid = self.thickness_grid() for ix in range(self.nbins_x): for iy in range(self.nbins_y): tc = tgrid[ix, iy] trun.push(tc) avg_out = (trun.mean(), trun.deviation()) if return_grid: return avg_out, tgrid else: return avg_out
[docs] def map_to_grid(self, com_values_dict, leaflet='both'): do_leaflet = [] if leaflet == "both": do_leaflet.append('upper') do_leaflet.append('lower') elif leaflet == "upper" or leaflet == "lower": do_leaflet.append(leaflet) else: # unknown option--use default "both" print("!! Warning - request for unknown leaflet name \'", leaflet, "\' from the LeafletGrids of frame ", self.myframe) print("!! the options are \"upper\", \"lower\", or \"both\"--using the default \"both\"") do_leaflet.append('upper') do_leaflet.append('lower') out_dict = {} for leaf in do_leaflet: out_dict[leaf] = np.zeros((self.nbins_x, self.nbins_y)) for ix in range(self.nbins_x): for iy in range(self.nbins_y): com_ind = self.leaf_grid[leaf].get_index_at(ix, iy) value = com_values_dict[com_ind] out_dict[leaf][ix, iy] = value return out_dict
[docs] def area_per_lipid(self): do_leaflet = [] do_leaflet.append('upper') do_leaflet.append('lower') # get the unique type/resnames in the system resnames = [] for leaf in do_leaflet: for group in self.leaflets[leaf].groups: gname = if gname not in resnames: resnames.append(gname) # initialize counters for each residue/type area_run_per_res_type = {} for name in resnames: area_run_per_res_type[name] = RunningStats() area_per_lipid = {} area_run = RunningStats() for leaf in do_leaflet: area_per_bin = self.leaf_grid[leaf].x_incr * self.leaf_grid[leaf].y_incr lip_ind = self.leaflets[leaf].get_member_indices() for i in lip_ind: rname = self.frame.lipidcom[i].type locations = np.where(self.leaf_grid[leaf].lipid_grid == i) nlocs = len(locations[0]) # print locations # print 'nlocs ',nlocs area = area_per_bin * nlocs area_per_lipid[i] = area area_run_per_res_type[rname].push(area) area_run.push(area) average_per_res = {} for name in resnames: average = area_run_per_res_type[name].mean() std = area_run_per_res_type[name].deviation() average_per_res[name] = (average, std) system_average = area_run.mean() #system_dev = area_run.deviation() output = (system_average, average_per_res, area_per_lipid) return output
[docs] def curvature(self): nxb = self.nbins_x nyb = self.nbins_y # first order derivtives sx_u = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) sy_u = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) sx_l = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) sy_l = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) for ix in range(nxb): for iy in range(nyb): ixp = ix - 1 if ixp < 0: ixp += nxb ixn = ix + 1 if ixn >= nxb: ixn -= nxb iyp = ix - 1 if iyp < 0: iyp += nyb iyn = iy + 1 if iyn >= nyb: iyn -= nyb # upper ## using central difference for numerical first derivative sx = self.leaf_grid['upper'].lipid_grid_z[ixn, iy] - self.leaf_grid['upper'].lipid_grid_z[ixp, iy] sx /= (self.leaf_grid['upper'].x_incr) ** 2 sy = self.leaf_grid['upper'].lipid_grid_z[ix, iyn] - self.leaf_grid['upper'].lipid_grid_z[ix, iyp] sy /= (self.leaf_grid['upper'].y_incr) ** 2 sx_u[ix, iy] = sx sy_u[ix, iy] = sy # lower sx = self.leaf_grid['lower'].lipid_grid_z[ixn, iy] - self.leaf_grid['lower'].lipid_grid_z[ixp, iy] sx /= (self.leaf_grid['lower'].x_incr) ** 2 sy = self.leaf_grid['lower'].lipid_grid_z[ix, iyn] - self.leaf_grid['lower'].lipid_grid_z[ix, iyp] sy /= (self.leaf_grid['lower'].y_incr) ** 2 sx_l[ix, iy] = sx sy_l[ix, iy] = sy # now do second order derivatives - central difference numerical derivative of the first derivative ssx_u = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) ssy_u = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) ssxy_u = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) ssx_l = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) ssy_l = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) ssxy_l = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) for ix in range(nxb): for iy in range(nyb): ixp = ix - 1 if ixp < 0: ixp += nxb ixn = ix + 1 if ixn >= nxb: ixn -= nxb iyp = ix - 1 if iyp < 0: iyp += nyb iyn = iy + 1 if iyn >= nyb: iyn -= nyb # upper ## using central difference for numerical first derivative ssx = sx_u[ixn, iy] - sx_u[ixp, iy] ssx /= (self.leaf_grid['upper'].x_incr) ** 2 ssy = sy_u[ix, iyn] - sy_u[ix, iyp] ssy /= (self.leaf_grid['upper'].y_incr) ** 2 ssxy = sx_u[ix, iyn] - sx_u[ix, iyp] ssxy /= (self.leaf_grid['upper'].y_incr) ** 2 ssx_u[ix, iy] = ssx ssy_u[ix, iy] = ssy ssxy_u[ix, iy] = ssxy # lower ssx = sx_l[ixn, iy] - sx_l[ixp, iy] ssx /= (self.leaf_grid['lower'].x_incr) ** 2 ssy = sy_l[ix, iyn] - sy_l[ix, iyp] ssy /= (self.leaf_grid['lower'].y_incr) ** 2 ssxy = sx_l[ix, iyn] - sx_l[ix, iyp] ssxy /= (self.leaf_grid['upper'].y_incr) ** 2 ssx_l[ix, iy] = ssx ssy_l[ix, iy] = ssy ssxy_l[ix, iy] = ssxy # now get curvatures curv_mean_u = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) curv_gauss_u = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) curv_mean_l = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) curv_gauss_l = np.zeros((nxb, nyb)) dx_u = self.leaf_grid['upper'].x_incr dy_u = self.leaf_grid['upper'].y_incr dx_l = self.leaf_grid['lower'].x_incr dy_l = self.leaf_grid['lower'].y_incr for ix in range(nxb): for iy in range(nyb): # upper sx = sx_u[ix, iy] sy = sy_u[ix, iy] ssx = ssx_u[ix, iy] ssy = ssy_u[ix, iy] ssxy = ssxy_u[ix, iy] sx_v = np.array([self.leaf_grid['upper'].x_centers[ix] + dx_u, 0.0, sx]) sy_v = np.array([0.0, self.leaf_grid['upper'].y_centers[iy] + dy_u, sy]) ssx_v = np.array([self.leaf_grid['upper'].x_centers[ix] + dx_u, 0.0, ssx]) ssy_v = np.array([0.0, self.leaf_grid['upper'].y_centers[iy] + dy_u, ssy]) ssxy_v = np.array([0.0, self.leaf_grid['upper'].y_centers[iy] + dy_u, ssxy]) E =, sx_v) F =, sy_v) G =, sy_v) n = np.cross(sx_v, sy_v) n /= np.linalg.norm(n) L =, n) M =, n) N =, n) # mean curvature J = (E * N + G * L - 2.0 * F * M) / (2.0 * (E * G - F) ** 2) # Gaussian curvature K = (L * N - M ** 2) / (E * G - F ** 2) curv_mean_u[ix, iy] = J curv_gauss_u[ix, iy] = K # lower sx = sx_l[ix, iy] sy = sy_l[ix, iy] ssx = ssx_l[ix, iy] ssy = ssy_l[ix, iy] ssxy = ssxy_l[ix, iy] sx_v = np.array([self.leaf_grid['lower'].x_centers[ix] + dx_l, 0.0, sx]) sy_v = np.array([0.0, self.leaf_grid['lower'].y_centers[iy] + dy_l, sy]) ssx_v = np.array([self.leaf_grid['lower'].x_centers[ix] + dx_l, 0.0, ssx]) ssy_v = np.array([0.0, self.leaf_grid['lower'].y_centers[iy] + dy_l, ssy]) ssxy_v = np.array([0.0, self.leaf_grid['lower'].y_centers[iy] + dy_l, ssxy]) E =, sx_v) F =, sy_v) G =, sy_v) n = np.cross(sx_v, sy_v) n /= np.linalg.norm(n) L =, n) M =, n) N =, n) # mean curvature J = (E * N + G * L - 2.0 * F * M) / (2.0 * (E * G - F) ** 2) # Gaussian curvature K = (L * N - M ** 2) / (E * G - F ** 2) curv_mean_l[ix, iy] = J curv_gauss_l[ix, iy] = K return ((curv_mean_u, curv_gauss_u), (curv_mean_l, curv_gauss_l))
[docs] def grid_to_dict(self, in_grid, leaflet='upper'): out_dict = {} for ix in range(self.nbins_x): for iy in range(self.nbins_y): l_i = self.leaf_grid[leaflet].get_index_at(ix, iy) grid_val = in_grid[ix, iy] out_dict[l_i] = grid_val return out_dict
[docs] def get_xyzc(self, leaflet='both', zvalue_dict=None, color_dict=None, color_grid=None, color_type_dict=None): do_leaflet = [] if leaflet == "both": do_leaflet.append('upper') do_leaflet.append('lower') elif leaflet == "upper" or leaflet == "lower": do_leaflet.append(leaflet) else: # unknown option--use default "both" print("!! Warning - request for unknown leaflet name \'", leaflet, "\' from the LeafletGrids of frame ", self.myframe) print("!! the options are \"upper\", \"lower\", or \"both\"--using the default \"both\"") do_leaflet.append('upper') do_leaflet.append('lower') out_dict = {} npoints = (self.nbins_x * self.nbins_y) X = np.zeros(npoints) Y = np.zeros(npoints) Z = np.zeros(npoints) C = np.zeros(npoints) if color_dict is not None: if len(color_dict.shape) == 2: C = np.zeros((npoints, color_dict.shape[1])) if color_type_dict is not None: dict_type = type(color_type_dict[list(color_type_dict.keys())[0]]) if dict_type is str: C = np.zeros(npoints, dtype=np.str) for leaf in do_leaflet: npt = 0 cx = 0 for x in self.leaf_grid[leaf].x_centers: cy = 0 for y in self.leaf_grid[leaf].y_centers: # get the z coordinate z = self.leaf_grid[leaf].get_z_at(cx, cy) ic = self.leaf_grid[leaf].get_index_at(cx, cy) # optionally pull z value from lipid index dictionary if zvalue_dict is not None: z = zvalue_dict[ic] X[npt] = x Y[npt] = y Z[npt] = z if color_dict is not None: C[npt] = color_dict[ic] if color_grid is not None: C[npt] = color_grid[cx, cy] if color_type_dict is not None: ltype = self.frame.lipidcom[ic].type color_curr = color_type_dict[ltype] C[npt] = color_curr npt += 1 cy += 1 cx += 1 # if color_dict is not None and len(color_dict.shape)==1: # col_min = min(C) # C-=col_min # col_max = max(C) # C/=col_max # elif color_grid is not None: # col_min = min(C) # C-=col_min # col_max = max(C) # C/=col_max out_dict[leaf] = (X, Y, Z, C) return out_dict
[docs] def write_xyz(self, leaflet='both', zvalue_dict='Default', out_path="./"): do_leaflet = [] if leaflet == "both": do_leaflet.append('upper') do_leaflet.append('lower') elif leaflet == "upper" or leaflet == "lower": do_leaflet.append(leaflet) else: # unknown option--use default "both" print("!! Warning - request for unknown leaflet name \'", leaflet, "\' from the LeafletGrids of frame ", self.myframe) print("!! the options are \"upper\", \"lower\", or \"both\"--using the default \"both\"") do_leaflet.append('upper') do_leaflet.append('lower') out_name = out_path + "leaflet_grid_f" + str(self.myframe) + "_" for leaf in do_leaflet: out_name += leaf[0] out_name += ".xyz" # Open up the file to write to xyz_out = open(out_name, "w") npoints = (self.nbins_x * self.nbins_y) * len(do_leaflet) comment = "Leaflet Grid in xyz coordinate format" xyz_out.write(str(npoints)) xyz_out.write("\n") xyz_out.write(comment) xyz_out.write("\n") for leaf in do_leaflet: cx = 0 for x in self.leaf_grid[leaf].x_centers: cy = 0 for y in self.leaf_grid[leaf].y_centers: # get the z coordinate z = self.leaf_grid[leaf].get_z_at(cx, cy) ic = self.leaf_grid[leaf].get_index_at(cx, cy) # optionally pull z value from lipid index dictionary if zvalue_dict is not 'Default': z = zvalue_dict[ic] # get the lipid resname oname = self.frame.lipidcom[ic].type # write to file line = str(oname) + " " + str(x) + " " + str(y) + " " + str(z) xyz_out.write(line) xyz_out.write("\n") cy += 1 cx += 1 xyz_out.close() return
[docs] def get_integer_type_arrays(self): grids_dict = {} # build the integer type id's group_to_int = {} groups = [] i = 0 for leaf in self.leaflets.keys(): # groups in the leaflet lgroups = self.leaflets[leaf].get_group_names() # build dictionary for string group name to integer type for name in lgroups: if name not in groups: groups.append(name) group_to_int[name] = i i += 1 for leaf in self.leaf_grid.keys(): nxbins = self.leaf_grid[leaf].x_nbins nybins = self.leaf_grid[leaf].y_nbins type_array = np.zeros((nxbins, nybins), cx = 0 for dummy_x in self.leaf_grid[leaf].x_centers: cy = 0 for dummy_y in self.leaf_grid[leaf].y_centers: # get the z coordinate ic = self.leaf_grid[leaf].get_index_at(cx, cy) oname = self.frame.lipidcom[ic].type itype = group_to_int[oname] type_array[cx, cy] = itype cy += 1 cx += 1 grids_dict[leaf] = np.copy(type_array) return grids_dict, group_to_int
[docs] def get_one_array_per_leaflet(self): grids_dict = {} # build the integer type id's group_to_int = {} groups = [] i = 0 for leaf in self.leaf_grid.keys(): # groups in the leaflet lgroups = self.leaflets[leaf].get_group_names() ngroups = len(groups) # build dictionary for string group name to integer type for name in lgroups: if name not in groups: groups.append(name) group_to_int[name] = i i += 1 for leaf in self.leaf_grid.keys(): type_array = [] cx = 0 for x in self.leaf_grid[leaf].x_centers: cy = 0 for y in self.leaf_grid[leaf].y_centers: # get the z coordinate ic = self.leaf_grid[leaf].get_index_at(cx, cy) oname = self.frame.lipidcom[ic].type itype = group_to_int[oname] # type_array[cx,cy,0] = x # type_array[cx,cy,1] = y # type_array[cx,cy,2] = self.leaflets[leaf].lipid_grid[cx,cy] # type_array[cx,cy,3] = itype type_array.append((x, y, self.leaf_grid[leaf].lipid_grid[cx, cy], itype, oname)) cy += 1 cx += 1 type_array = np.array(type_array, dtype='f8, f8, i4, i4, |S10') grids_dict[leaf] = np.copy(type_array) return grids_dict