BilayerAnalyzer analysis: msd - Single time origin mean squared displacement.


Estimate the mean squared displacement from a single time origin.

This analysis computes the mean squared displacement (MSD) versus time of the centers of mass of the specified lipids for a single time origin (i.e. the first frame in the trajectory analysis): MSD(t) = <(r(t) - r_0)^2>_i where the angle brackets denote averaging over all lipids of type i; the lipid type used for the analysis is controlled by the leaflet setting.

This protocol is identified by the analysis key: ‘msd’

Initiated by instance of:

<class 'pybilt.bilayer_analyzer.analysis_protocols.MSDProtocol'>


msd analysis-ID keyword value
  • msd = analysis-Key - keyword/name for this analysis.

  • analysis-ID = The unique name/ID being assigned to this analysis.

  • keyword value = settings keyword value pairs

    • leaflet (str: ‘both’, ‘upper’, or ‘lower’): Specifies the bilayer leaflet to include in the estimate. Default: ‘both’

    • resname (str): Specify the resname of the lipid type to include in this analysis. Default: ‘all’, averages over all lipid types.


Construct analyzer:

analyzer = BilayerAnalyzer(structure='name_of_structure_file',
                           selection='resname POPC DOPC')

Add by string - use default settings:

analyzer.add_analysis('msd msd_1') 

Add by string - adjust a setting:

analyzer.add_analysis('msd msd_1 leaflet both')

Add by list:

analyzer.add_analysis(list(['msd', 'msd_1', dict({'leaflet':'both'})]))

Add by dict:

analyzer.add_analysis(dict({'analysis_key': 'msd', 'analysis_id': 'msd_1','analysis_settings':dict({'leaflet':'both'})}))

To remove from analyzer:


Output Info:

Retrieve output after running analyses:

output = analyzer.get_analysis_data('msd_1')

The output is type <type 'numpy.ndarray'>


  1. Preston B. Moore, Carlos F. Lopez, Michael L. Klein, Dynamical Properties of a Hydrated Lipid Bilayer from a Multinanosecond Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Biophysical Journal, Volume 81, Issue 5, 2001, Pages 2484-2494, ISSN 0006-3495, (

  2. Yoshimichi Andoh, Susumu Okazaki, Ryuichi Ueoka, Molecular dynamics study of lipid bilayers modeling the plasma membranes of normal murine thymocytes and leukemic GRSL cells, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, Volume 1828, Issue 4, April 2013, Pages 1259-1270, ISSN 0005-2736, (

  3. Section 8.7,